Devin. Bears the Weight of the “Pote” and Made a Masterpiece from it


From Northport, AL to Chicago, IL more than just environment has changed for the budding moniker-lacking but substance-heavy emcee that goes by the name of devin. At 21-years-old Dev has already sculpted a dynamic discography that frames soul-searching raps doused in unapologetic honesty and sampled production.

Dev’s migration was fueled by this consuming feeling of being trapped within an assembly line of unrealized potential being tucked away in a small Alabama town that lies just a walk away from the conversation-dominating college town of Tuscaloosa. Living on the outskirts of something so large can be deafening, and during his move to Chicago for college, Devin not only found inspiration from his new surroundings, but he also discovered his voice – a powerful one at that. Since the move, Dev has worn a fresh outlook on his roots and everything that made him the man he’s still in the process of becoming; a perspective Dev so wholeheartedly depicts in the magnum opus presentation of his latest album POTE BABY.

The Recipe

Nostalgic storytelling is a cornerstone of the makeup of a Dev track, a theme pronounced with constant waves of well-timed raps that bridge abstractly sampled soul records to an assortment of delicately swung drums. Beyond its well-curated sonic compositions, though, Dev’s work is consistently concept-driven, building expansive worlds of sound around visceral and inarticulable feelings in ways that his contemporaries can’t begin to step to. Dev confronts and dissects intimate topics, unraveling feelings of not belonging, trauma, and the pressures of masculinity and packages them into compelling musical products that provide an immeasurable feeling of catharsis on both sides of the mp3. The honest presentation of these themes along with the tangible conviction and passion Dev exhibits on every level of his art has not only endeared me to his music but also to everything he stands for. With all this in mind, we wanted to do everything in our power to tell Devin.’s story and tell it well.


Conceptual albums are fairly rare in today’s day and age, and – on top of that – wholly compelling ones are even fewer and farther between. However, Chicago’s young newcomer, devin., has delivered a magnum opus via his debut studio album POTE BABY, an offering defined by its tangible emotional potency, vivid storytelling, and passionate delivery. Dev candidly captures his inner battle of defining what home is to him while also grappling with loss and identity through his introspective lyrics that are abundantly present throughout the album’s ten tracks. These aspects build upon one other to construct one of the most substantive, inspired, and well-executed bodies of work I’ve stumbled upon in recent memory.

Overflowing with rhyme-strung anecdotes that – at times – read like profound revelations, we’re presented with focused and honest self-facing narration that lies atop an eclectically curated selection of sample-heavy production that was puzzled together by Columbia College’s own The Prophitt. Additionally, the instrumentals’ carefully programmed arrangements add another layer of soul to the project’s already moving disposition. Beyond that, the album has a dynamic yet cohesive feel preserved by its interlude-woven transitions and three spoken-word poems sprinkled throughout the project that securely fasten one song to another and guide the listener through Dev’s anthology of heartfelt storytelling.

While on the surface, Dev narrates the journey of his move from Northport, Alabama to Chicago, revealing the tribulations that come along with that. Along the way, it becomes abundantly clear that it’s far deeper than that as we’re met with Dev coming to grips with the person he’s become, presenting a detailed image of what he sees in the mirror without prejudice, offering a coming-of-age album that grows in depth and scope with each listen.

Putting it all on the Canvas

Although there’s no doubt that the music itself can stand alone, Dev enlisted Elijah Free to add another layer of brilliance to the album’s presentation via an elaborate oil painting that ultimately became the project’s album art. The idea for POTE BABY to adapt an original physical painting into its album art stems from Dev’s admiration for the visual that underscores Mavi’s legendary album Let The Sun Talk, which Free was able to take to new heights. The talented Chicago-based artist sculpted colorful imagery that perfectly mirrors the feeling that POTE BABY evokes, articulating the larger-than-life significance that the project symbolizes for those from ‘the pote.’ In all, Free’s painting so expertly gives a familiar skin to a project that so desperately seeks identity.

Face To Face

In mid-January in the coldest day imaginable – if you are from Chicago, you already know what day I’m talking about – while Malcolm and I were back home in Chicago after our fall semesters away at school we set up an interview with Dev and POTE BABY’s producer The Prophitt at the homie Cam’s studio – The Hotbox Recording Studio – where we covered every base from the deep-cut influences of the project to delving into the bittersweet role that his hometown plays in the making of this project and his personal identity as a whole.

Being in conversation with Devin. in itself is inspiring, an unmistakable reality backed by the passion and sincerity he brings when discussing and dissecting his art and the tasteful ingredients that went into making it, providing a similarly compelling feeling to when I heard his music for the first time. Check out Dev and his work, and hopefully, this piece will give you a solid background on who he is and the star he’s going to become.

Embedded here is our full video interview with devin. conducted by Malx.


A genuine perspective

Jack Kissane

Covering the local & underrepresented.

Fulltime: Budding Projects That Have Soundtracked The Year